Monday, 8 October 2012

Happy Thanksgiving.

Here in Canada it is Thanksgiving day,and I live in a country that is well and truly blessed.I may complain about a lot of things,as I don't think our country is perfect and things are not always the way that I would like them to be,but I would never live anywhere else.For that I am thankful.

Yesterday's church sermon was about God's blessing.Firstly I want to thank God for all that he has done.Without him and his provision,I would not be able even to draw my next breath.I want to thank Him for sending His Son to pay my sin debt.I thank God too,that I live in a country where I am free to gather in His name and learn from and respond to His world,despite the many social pressures in our society to diminish those rights.Blessing,according to our pastor is not just about being blessed,it is about responding to that blessing and living our lives in such a way as we seek to pass that blessing along to others.

I am constantly amazed at ,and endlessly thankful for the fact that I have good food to eat and decent water to drink.That,when you think about it is a true miracle,which could only be sustained by a good and loving God.Year after year North American land produces food in abundance,when compared to other places.It takes the hard work of many people to maintain an abundant and safe food supply,and I ask God's blessing on each one of them.If you are not thankful for farmers,then just try to grow your own food.The same goes for all those people who handle,prepare and inspect our food.We have so much to be grateful for.

It seems odd to say this,after the blog I wrote yesterday,but I am thankful that I live next door to The United States Of America.They are good neighbors,though I do not always agree with Americans or their government.Still,because of the American presence on this continent,I live in relative safety as compared to other parts of the world.I have never really known anything other than democracy,which in it's most idealistic form,it's most developed form is uniquely American.For any other system of government,I could not be nearly as thankful.

I could not imagine saying anything on the subject of Thanksgiving without giving thanks to our military people,both here and in The United States, here,and in combat overseas.May The Lord bless you and keep you safe while you defend all that we value in our country.And when I mention military people,I am referring not just to soldiers in uniform,but to family members at home here as well.When a soldier gives the ultimate sacrifice,remember,those loved ones have given that sacrifice as well,and for that,no amount of thankfulness is sufficient.

With American elections at hand,I've taken some heat over my opinions on the subject of American politics.And to be honest,I have grave concerns about the quality of those seeking election.But,I am endlessly thankful for our political institutions,and the continuity of good government over the span of my lifetime,and long before.That applies here in Canada as well.I am grateful that I live in a country where I can,and should be politically engaged.The fact that I fear that we are headed into perilous times brings my thankfulness full circle.I am thankful that there is an all powerful and good God overseeing the world I live in,that can and will direct the affairs of all our leaders to His greater purpose.

Happy Thanksgiving and may God bless you.

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