First,let me apologize for the fact that this picture,purloined from Facebook is cut off on the sides.If you want to see the whole thing,try to look it up on Facebook.I'm just going to work around it because I feel that cries out for comment.It is ignorant in it's misconceptions and morally misleading.
Having identified myself as a Christian Liberal I simply must say,fair is fair.I cannot take issue with the likes of the "Reverend"Fred Phelps,who calls himself "Christian"and then remain silent when it comes to this kind of dogma,by someone who calls them self a liberal.They may well be a liberal,but in my humble opinion,they are a damn poor one for posting stuff like this.But first,let me be clear.These people post on Facebook more or less prolifically and I do agree with much of what they post,and I have been known to post their material on my own wall.So long as it is in keeping with the core liberal value of being guided by reason and is not blatantly anti scriptural.
From a Christian perspective my belief is this:God has,is and will continue to judge sin.Sin is defined as defiance of God's law.Not simply abortion,gay marriage,but all of God's law.Have you ever turned your head the other way when you knew a wrong was taking place?You stand judged.Have you ever had an angry thought against your neighbor?You stand judged.Ever cheat on your taxes,mistreat an animal,gossip or had an extra marital affair?You get the picture.
The problem with this particular post is that it seems to hold the view that there is no such thing as judgement.So tell me,why does anyone think the god has never judged America?We tend to look at historical events and not recognize them as judgments against the wrong committed in America,or elsewhere ,for that matter.We may not be able to connect particular events to particular sins in a strictly logical fashion,but did anyone have their eyes open on 9/11.For as many centuries as there has been an America,Americans have,for the most part been free of foreign attacks on their own soil.That corresponded roughly to an era in which America was pursuing freedom,enlightenment,democracy and respect for the rights of all people.Whenever America took up a cause,it was the right cause,or as right as it could be given that they are governed by fallible humans.That all ended on 9/11.So did it occur to anyone else when they were watching those planes fly into The World Trade Center,that perhaps America was being judged for some past sin?Like,perhaps slavery,or the Jim Crow era?Well,it certainly did to me.That is not to say I condone what happened on 9/11,and I certainly don't suggest that this,or any other evil that befalls America relates to a given event or policy in a one to one fashion.But God allows evil to be judged.One of the ways He does this is by removing His protection from us when our enemies take violent issue with what they see as unfair treatment.In short,he simply allows(human)nature to take it's course.The above post makes reference to a number of issues for which America deserves,and may have already received judgement.But it concludes that God has not judged America,and follows with the supposition that God will not judge America over abortion or gay marriage.What is clear to me,then,is that this particular liberal writer does not believe in God.Enough said.
Rather than focusing on the sins of others,Americans need to be reflective of their own sins,both small and great and then get on their knees before The Lord about those sins.We all need to recognize sin in our own lives,rather than pointing out the sins of others.You see,we are all sinners.We need to constantly pray for one another,rather than condemn our brothers.We each need to pray for our leaders,not that they be judged,but that they,as individuals and as leaders would seek the path to avoiding God's judgement.And while I'm on the subject of prayer,do you really suppose that things are so much better now that America has become less inclined to prayer than it was in it's past?Again,I can't relate this to judgement in a strictly one to one fashion,but are we any safer,more prosperous or more peaceful than we were in the recent past?You know,back when we still prayed in school?
Despite the suppositions put forward by this liberal writer,I believe America has been judged for past wrongs,and will continue to be so judged until they get right with God.That puts us in the same boat with every other person who has ever lived,and every other nation that has ever,or will ever exist.Moreover,the remedy for God's judgement is the same now as it's always been.All we have to do is choose to live under His grace and accept nothing less than leaders who make the same choice.
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