Monday, 3 September 2012

Op/Ed-New Drunk Driving Laws

As I suspected,my agreement with Sun columnist Lorne Gunther had a limited shelf life.This past week end he commented against Alberta's new drunk driving laws lowering the limit for intoxication to .05.Gunther seems to feel that the lower limit is simply trying to catch those who would stop for a single drink on the way home.Those who are really not dangerous.He also protests the immediate punishment imposed upon blowing over the limit,as not allowing for due process of law.Offenders cars are impounded on the spot and a license suspension begins immediately,without trial,or apparently the right to defend ones self.In that Mr.Gunther and I can agree.However,as for the law itself,I am in full agreement with it's seeming intent.Simply,it forces anyone who would have even one drink to consider the consequences of his actions relative to a lower tolerance.Ideally,anyone who takes a drink should not,in my opinion drive a car,no matter how little they consume.So,in total I believe it will cause those with the good intent to obey the current law to be even more likely to make good,or should I say better decisions.

Is premier Redford simply flexing her muscles to appear to be tough on crime,despite jurisdictional issues limiting her ability to do so.Most likely.Gunther cites a case of a person caught driving impaired who killed someone,lamenting that more attention should be paid to putting those sorts of individuals in jail for longer periods of time.It's difficult to disagree,but again,that is beyond Redford's reach as it requires a change to The Criminal Code Of Canada.But,whether Redford is trying to show toughness for political gain or not,any means of providing a stronger deterrent to potential drinking drivers is worth the while.Even if I do share Gunther's concern regarding due process.

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