Monday, 25 June 2012

memoir writers homework/joke,tricks

I seem to be getting behind in my homework.Over the past few weeks the memoir group to which I belonged while living in Toronto has taken on some most interesting topics and you are likely to see a few appearing in this weeks offerings.This topic is from the Monday,June 18 meeting

I think as kids we all love a joke,or trick and most of us don't seem to ever get over it completely until some short minute before we die.what else could account for the fact that everyone who has ever gotten married seems to end up with an array of cans tied to the back bumper of their least that was still true while cars still had bumpers that allowed you to tie cans to them.A very innocent trick,familiar to the point of cliche.But we once tied nearly forty oil cans in a string to a car of a friend of mine who had just gotten married.Oil used to come in cans.Those cans used to be made of aluminum and were big and very hollow and made a lot of noise.But at the very last moment,just before he was about to leave the church,we all did one better than that.While some of us distracted the newly weds,some others brought out a milk can-the kind you use in a barn to collect milk before sending it to the dairy-and chained it to the back of the car.When the married couple drove off it sounded something like they were dragging an entire scrapyard behind them.

There were always the standard jokes or tricks,of course,like the one that involves a doorbell,paper bag and contents and a small fire.Everyone knows that one.Most everyone has pulled that off to perfection at least once.There was one miserable old woman who used to fall victim to this trick every year.We even invented a variation to this theme once.The variation involved a pair of latex gloves,a jar of peanut butter and a small parking lot beside a doctors office.No fire though.We did this trick on April Fools Day,but never on Halloween.

On a washroom wall in a gas station across from my high school,there was a little white box that sold a certain product not nearly as commonly used in the 1970's as it is today,and not nearly as available either.You see,we hadn't heard of AIDS then and virginity seemed to be somewhat more popular then too.But,finding these things,you just know that boys are going to be boys and at least one really good use for the product will be invented.Aside from the one it was actually intended for that is.Well,we found two new uses for them.One involved the product,of course,and the tailpipes of cars in the teachers parking lot.The other involved some helium from the chemistry lab and some of the airspace directly outside the principals office.In fact,considerably more airspace than we imagined it might.It seemed to be a very durable sort of product,but getting the end tied off was a bit of a trick.It sure was funny though to hear a loud"what the hell..." coming from the hallway,halfway through class.

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