It's Tuesday and I was remiss in not posting yesterday. Unfortunately I had some computer issues that could not be resolved,so my comments are a day late.
Yesterday was,of course Memorial Day in the United States,but my comments apply equally to Canadians and our fighting men.No,let me correct that,our fighting families.The truth is that those families make every bit as much sacrifice as that family member that finds himself posted in some far off combat zone.And so I salute you all.
I don't think I really have a lot to say about this.I'll keep it short and sweet.I was disturbed.A week or so ago someone posted to my facebook page a cartoon.It was a picture of two Germans talking and one was saying"I don't really agree with the Furher but I think we should support our fighting men anyway.I find this deeply disturbing for reasons I think will be obvious to most reasonable people.Do I really need to elaborate as to the differences between that regime and our current society?I'll just say that it's clearly comparing apples and bananas.
Now,having said that let me make this clear.We owe a debt of gratitude to each and every one of our fighting men.We owe equally to all their family members.
Is it ok to dissent with respect to any of our current military conflicts?Yes,of course,but that is a political issue and decent dissent is conducted as a political activity.We,in North America have the finest governments in the world.They allow us to disagree and encourage us to engage in informed participation.Are they perfect?Of Course not.Have they fought unjust wars?Most likely. Personally I support the war in Afghanistan far more than the war in Iraq.But lets clearly separate politics from what is simply respectful, honourable behaviour.It is because of our troops and the sacrifices they have made throughout history that give us the right to dissent and governments that we can,to a greater degree than any place else on earth,hold accountable.And if you hold the honest opinion that any particular conflict is unjust,just think long and hard about this:when a just war comes along,it will be those same soldiers that will be called upon to defend us then too.
So lets keep the political arguments in the political arena and support our fighting men.Lets be thankful for the fact that they stand up for us,even to the extent of giving the ultimate sacrifice.Lets help out their families at home in any way we can.If you see a soldier in uniform,go and shake his hand and thank him for what he has done.Above all,lets keep our military families in prayer.Only God knows the justness and necessary brutality of any given war.I believe war grieves God, as it should us.But that should never lead us to turn our hearts against our soldiers.So let me say publicly to each and every one,THANK YOU!
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