Nearly a month ago I brought to the attention of those who read this blog a matter involving a small,unconventional,self proclaimed "news agency"from Atlantic Canada.The problem was that one of this agencies directors had made unsupportable accusations against another individual,specifically that that individual had been involved in domestic violence.A criminal background check of that person reveals no such record,not even so much as an accusation,much less a conviction.Yet this "director"thus far has neither retracted the statement,defended it,or resigned pending the matters outcome.My point at that time was,how are we to believe that this person or their agency can objectively report news when a matter like this is still pending?My commentary then was that it's strictly buyer beware with this particular agency.
After nearly a month I have yet to hear from this agency,who I will now identify as Newschaser,from the greater Moncton,New Brunswick area.In the time since my last editorial I have been in contact with two directors of said agency,informing them of the events going on within their ranks.You see,I had the distinct impression that,as an agency they may not have been aware of where their colleague stacks up in terms of integrity.In fact,they may well have been deceived.But they are deceived no longer.I had a rather lengthy online chat with a director(there appear to be four or five such directors).I should interject here,that the journalist in question is,in fact my sister,and the person she has accused is myself.That is all quite beside the point.Yes,there is more here than meets the eye,but this is not about anyone's family feud and the facts of the accusation and its falsehood remain the same.So do it's implications so far as journalistic integrity is concerned.During the chat I had with this agency's director,it was mentioned to me that I should be "supporting"my sister.I was quick to inform this person that,in fact I do support my sister.I support her to stand up and stand behind the things she says.I support her to be a moral,decent reporter if that's what she chooses to do.But I do not support her if she chooses to yellow her profession with defamation based on no effort to perform the due diligence that should be routine to the profession of journalism.But my real point here was not so much the activities of this journalism,as it was the reaction of the director I was speaking to.Apparently things such as friendship and family loyalty trump integrity in this persons view.That is all fine and good,but then lets admit it,this is not a legitimate news agency.So lets recognize them for what they are.that would appear to be essentially ambulance chasers.Anyone with a police scanner,a cell phone and a device for recording live video can call themselves reporters.And,as I say,that may well have a place in the marketplace,but responsible journalism it is not.
So what has newschasers done regarding this issue?Nothing so far as I can determine at this point.The first director,after admonishing me for my "disloyal" behavior,reluctantly agreed that she would need to take this matter under advisement.The following day I communicated my concerns to a second director who was far less reluctant to address the matter.Good for her,because this issue really does matter.
Now in all fairness,I am prepared to alter my view of Newchasers if they would only do what any respectable news outlet does.Lets start with a mission statement and a statement of guiding values.Maybe a policy and procedures manual would be in order.And by the way,what do directors at this agency actually do?Are they routinely involved in editorial control of what they distribute?What,if any ethical standards do they subscribe to?I for one am interested to hear from them on these matters.Because,while it may make little difference if all you do is follow ambulances with a video camera,it makes a world of difference when you presume to report on hard news,especially news involving persons accused,who must be considered innocent until guilt is established.At least one reporter has yet to see the significance of this matter in that light.I'm still hoping that it will not elude the intellect of Newschasers directorship though.
I encourage readers to check out Newschasers for themselves.Just key in "newschasers"on Youtube to decide for yourself what sort of value reporting of this nature has.I invite reasonable comments.
After nearly a month I have yet to hear from this agency,who I will now identify as Newschaser,from the greater Moncton,New Brunswick area.In the time since my last editorial I have been in contact with two directors of said agency,informing them of the events going on within their ranks.You see,I had the distinct impression that,as an agency they may not have been aware of where their colleague stacks up in terms of integrity.In fact,they may well have been deceived.But they are deceived no longer.I had a rather lengthy online chat with a director(there appear to be four or five such directors).I should interject here,that the journalist in question is,in fact my sister,and the person she has accused is myself.That is all quite beside the point.Yes,there is more here than meets the eye,but this is not about anyone's family feud and the facts of the accusation and its falsehood remain the same.So do it's implications so far as journalistic integrity is concerned.During the chat I had with this agency's director,it was mentioned to me that I should be "supporting"my sister.I was quick to inform this person that,in fact I do support my sister.I support her to stand up and stand behind the things she says.I support her to be a moral,decent reporter if that's what she chooses to do.But I do not support her if she chooses to yellow her profession with defamation based on no effort to perform the due diligence that should be routine to the profession of journalism.But my real point here was not so much the activities of this journalism,as it was the reaction of the director I was speaking to.Apparently things such as friendship and family loyalty trump integrity in this persons view.That is all fine and good,but then lets admit it,this is not a legitimate news agency.So lets recognize them for what they are.that would appear to be essentially ambulance chasers.Anyone with a police scanner,a cell phone and a device for recording live video can call themselves reporters.And,as I say,that may well have a place in the marketplace,but responsible journalism it is not.
So what has newschasers done regarding this issue?Nothing so far as I can determine at this point.The first director,after admonishing me for my "disloyal" behavior,reluctantly agreed that she would need to take this matter under advisement.The following day I communicated my concerns to a second director who was far less reluctant to address the matter.Good for her,because this issue really does matter.
Now in all fairness,I am prepared to alter my view of Newchasers if they would only do what any respectable news outlet does.Lets start with a mission statement and a statement of guiding values.Maybe a policy and procedures manual would be in order.And by the way,what do directors at this agency actually do?Are they routinely involved in editorial control of what they distribute?What,if any ethical standards do they subscribe to?I for one am interested to hear from them on these matters.Because,while it may make little difference if all you do is follow ambulances with a video camera,it makes a world of difference when you presume to report on hard news,especially news involving persons accused,who must be considered innocent until guilt is established.At least one reporter has yet to see the significance of this matter in that light.I'm still hoping that it will not elude the intellect of Newschasers directorship though.
I encourage readers to check out Newschasers for themselves.Just key in "newschasers"on Youtube to decide for yourself what sort of value reporting of this nature has.I invite reasonable comments.